Jani Golobič

Jani’s basic education is in B.A. in Criminal Justice and Security and he spent the first part of his professional portret dokumenticareer in law enforcement.

Between 2000 and 2003 he studied shiatsu in Ljubljana (Slovenia) with shiatsu teacher Chris Milford. Then he continued with his education with teachers Gill Hattersley and Char Scrivener of British school of Shiatsu-Do where he earned the diploma in 2011. He studied Shiatsu /Shintai with one of the most recognized shiatsu teachers Saul Goodman. He completed all Shiatsu /Shintai education and assisted him in the courses across Europe. He also finished education for teacher level I and II with him.

In 2005 Jani started his own professional practice of shiatsu therapy and opened his Shiatsu Centre Panacea in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2013 he established Shiatsu School Panacea under the patronage of British School of Shiatsu-Do. He is engaged in the education process as the assistant and teacher (t) of BSS-Do.

Jani is a member of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia where he initiated and acts as a member of panel for preparation of professional standards for shiatsu as well as a member of the panel which developed a catalogue of knowledge for the shiatsu profession.

He is also business master practitioner of Neurolinguistic programming, fitness instructor and snow boarding teacher.

Contact Jani on:  www.panacea.si
