Year Three

(Probationary Level) Shiatsu-Do Diploma

Year Three is the Probationary year. At the first module you will receive a Probationary Certificate from the school (valid for one year). You may continue to build your clinical practice and to practise as a Shiatsu Practitioner, professionally under the supervision of the School with insurance through the Shiatsu Society.

The course comprises of:
  • 10 core weekends with 3 of the weekends extended to 3 days
  • 4 and a half days residential component (or equivalent)
  • 3 Supervised student clinics (Mondays)
  • 8 Western Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology modules; these are scheduled as evening classes
Topics covered include:W12.ProsPage_Resid
  • Shiatsu-Do refinement
  • The Body Rhythm Technique & Fascia
  • Japanese and Chinese medicine (continued)
  • Muscle Energy Technique (Sotai)
  • Point Usage (continued)
  • Ampuku refinement
  • Masunaga Hara Diagnosis development
  • Case-presentation discussions
  • Shiatsu-Do for Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Structural Corrections (Seitai)
  • Ethics and the therapeutic relationship
  • Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
  • Shiatsu-Do marketing and business skills
  • First Aid Certification

Our syllabus is subject to continual revision as student and teacher feedback develops and improves our courses.

Year 3 Assessment Requirements

Course work to be submitted:

  • Case Histories on two clients
  • 5000 words Special Project or 2000 words Volunteer Placement Report
  • 120 recorded treatments Theory and practical assessment (two weekdays)

On successful completion of all course requirements students are awarded the British School of Shiatsu-Do Diploma.

Next Course Dates:
Year Three 2016 – 17
4/5/6 November 2016 26/27 November 17/18 December Structural Corrections 13/14/15 January 2017
11/12 February 11/12 March Pregnancy                   31 March/1/2  April 29/30 April
20/21 May 17/18 June Residential:19 – 23 July Assessment: 14/15 September 2017